About Me

My name is Ashley Cockerham. I am a native of central Louisiana, with roots now firmly planted in southern Mississippi. I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in public relations at the University of Southern Mississippi, and plan to graduate late this summer.

While completing my undergraduate work in communication at Mississippi College, I began to form an interest in the field of public relations and, more specifically, its application to the entertainment and music industry. Even during my adolescence, music has always flowed through my veins and accounted for a large part of my childhood experiences. My mother is a professor of music at a small, Baptist college in central Louisiana. Growing up, she always ensured that I had a piece of piano sheet music, a guitar, a microphone or a violin bow in hand at all possible times.

 After attending college and completing a minor in Vocal Performance, I knew that music would always be a part of my life, but I wasn't sure, at the time, how it could tie into my profession. It wasn't until I began conducting my research in graduate school that I realized the two professions could work hand-in-hand. Now, I am an aspiring public relations professional specializing in crisis communication and reputation management within the entertainment and music industry.

The focus of my graduate research, and this blog, suggests an industry-wide paradigm shift from the traditional marketing-based promotional methods currently employed within the music industry to more innovative public relations-rooted methods of music promotion and artist publicity. In my opinion, the adoption of earned-media devoted music promotional methods will help to catapult the recording industry back into the position it once commanded prior to the MP3 and digital download revolution.

Outside of my professional life, I enjoy spending time with my family, listening to country music, horseback riding and trying out new recipes. 

The thoughts and ideas expressed within the boundaries of this blog are my own personal opinions, and not the opinions of my employer.

Contact me at prspinonrecords@gmail.com or follow me on Twitter @AshleyCockerham.

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